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Giora Carmi. Art therapy: Our innate sense of beauty

Mariola Alsina

Giora Carmi illustrated more than 42 children's books and wrote two. Illustrated regularly for the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

During this time he studied Zen for 12 years with the late Chinese Zen master Shen-yen.

Studied Art Therapy at NYU. He worked as an art therapist for 14 years. He developed a new approach to art therapy while doing two internships in a county jail and wrote the book "Opening Intuitive Flow Through Artwork" about it.

He studied release technique, Theta Healing, Reiki, Quantum Touch and some other approaches to human development.

Giora Carmi has deepened a lot through his books and his activities with the so-called Art therapy, which he deepened and developed with his own system, collected in one of his last works.

In this interview, the artist explains to the readers of V&M Magazine his experience as an art therapist with the publication of one of his most recognized books, Opening Intuitive Flow through Art Work as well as one of his lesser known books, with images and no texts, to encourage readers to create their own stories.

Giora Carmi has received several accolades and currently lives in New York City.

Special thanks to : Meredith Plummer.


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