Philosofy of Life. The Butterfly Effect
The butterfly effect states that there is a connection, an invisible thread in the universe that binds all our decisions together and turns them into repercussions. This theory is closely linked to the concept of the domino effect or chain effect.
Editorial . Magazine introduction.
A renowned writer reflected a few years ago, in an opinion piece, on the philosophy of life of the old romantics: "Romanticism represents the purity of the soul, the abandonment to the sublime, to love, to nature, to language,to night, to the unconscious, to the distance... The Romantics were passionate and gloriously expansive. Instead, what makes us fall in love and moves us? We should study the message and resque the energy of these romantics to undertake a reconstruction of this world which threatens to collapse.
Our magazine, which begins with this issue of January 2023, is partly inspired by this masterly reflection on the purity of thought of the romantics. We wish to be practical, we wish to be useful, but to be practical and to be useful, without feeling, without passion, without values, ends up being a gear that only moves empty actions. We hope to be able to contribute. It is not a revolution of great fears, it is a butterfly-wing movement.. The butterfly effect, which can change the world.
Consciess Project Consulter

The Butterfly Effect.
All actions have consequences,
but inaction has consequences too.
Every cruel act makes a crueler act more possible;
every kind act helps the recipient and enriches the giver.
A boss insults a worker,
who goes home and berates his wife,
who yells at the children,
who abuse their dog,
who bites the boss,
or more likely the innocent little girl next door.
A canary dies and the experienced miner feels apprehensive.
A butterfly dies and the world is less for it.
Beneath apparent chaos,
a complex order in which everything matters.
Richard Randolph