Alejandra Balbás del Castillo
Alejandra Balbás, experta en Feng Shui, ens presenta un inspirador llibre sobre l'art d'harmonizar les energies del nostre espai més sagrat, la nostra llar. Pablo d'Ors, ha escrit la presentació de "8 Pasos para ArmonizArte", i ens descriu en el seu pròleg, "Sòl parlar a les meves xerrades d'un triangle màgic, configurat per la comprensió espiritual, la pau interior i l'energia vital".

Elias Ananda Merlo
A delightful book, of spiritual poetry.
Through 25 chapters linked with wisdom and inspiration, Elias Ananda leads us to reflect with love, giving a vision of a warrior of light, and hope for Humanity.
Magical phrases, tender and of great harmony, small jewels that are linked in a book that is worth having on the bedside table, or as a beloved companion on a long journey.
Available only in the Spanish version. ​

Neale Donald Walchs
From the legendary author and spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walchs, author of the Conversations with God trilogy, the fourth volume of this unforgettable collection, entitled "The Awakening of the Species."
We interviewed the author about this book on current issues of the human condition.

Giora Carmi
This is a manual on how to create and use intuitive flow in art. When art is created intuitively, it detects everything that stands in the way of happiness. These are limiting beliefs and subconscious thought patterns. When working with the method, these blocks to happiness show up very clearly in the art.

Joe Dispenza
Becoming Supernatural is based on the research in epigenetics, quantum physics and neuroscience carried out in its advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how a person will be a common to transform consciousness, mindset, and beliefs to heal and live.
Becoming Supernatural combines the deepest scientific information with ancient spiritual wisdom to show that people like you and them can experience a more mystical life.

Vicente Merlo
With a lucid capacity for synthesis and in an accessible language, the author describes the "compasses" that have served him to orient himself in his own search: from science and philosophy to psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, meditation, and even esotericism, to converge in the "galactic compass. The book evokes a very current perspective of the new spirituality, the one that returns to the human being its greatness and divinity.
Available only in the Spanish version.