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Podcast-Interview: Neale Donald Walchs. Full interview.

Mariola Alsina

The highly acclaimed and celebrated author of the bestselling trilogy, "Conversations with God", introduced us to his book, "Awaken the Species".

Once again, the author tells us about this dialogue which brings the reader closer to a very real and daily spirituality.

Joy, truth, love. The three words sum up Neale Walch's message. A message to awaken a new humanity.

Unpublished Podcast interview conducted by Mariola Alsina.

The audio podcast of the interview is divided into two parts.

1rts. Part.

Part II.

So, the Message of the book is: The moment is Now. Now is the moment.
A change in human consciousness can change the experience of Humanity in an instant.

More about the Author

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day ambassador for spirituality whose words have especially touched the world.

He dedicated much of his life to his professional career. He started out working at a major radio station. Later, he worked as a reporter and publicist. Then a series of personal tragedies structurally changed his life: his house burned down with all his belongings, he broke a vertebra in his neck in a car accident, and his marriage ended. From that moment, he lived in a store. He had no income, he had no savings, and he had no hope. Under these circumstances, Neale had a mystical experience that changed the course of his life. The trilogy "Conversations with God" is based on this experience. Today he is the author of numerous books on spirituality and its application to daily life, including the best-selling "Conversations with God" trilogy. Available worldwide, the first five "Conversations with God" books topped the New York Times Best Seller list. Volume 1 of the trilogy remained in that position for more than two and a half years. The biofraphic film "Talking with God" inspired millions of people around the world to make significant changes in their lives.


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